April 20th 2025NACHT WACHT MELKFABRIEK EASTER SPECIAL SUNDAYAfter hundreds of requests, we could not let you down. De Melkfabriek awaits you another day.TICKETSPHOTO'S LAST TIMESUNDAY14:00 - 00:00MAINWINSONCALLUSHKLOFAMALAMMERMOT!VESLVL B2B USHSTAN CHRISTBINNENPLAATSBlURRED MOVEMENTBØĘRYFUMIIOSIOJÅNKSNYCOXIBENKETELHUISBLNK B2B LIEKSDIVERGENT (LIVE)DROS B2B VERYSILKANAZTITI B2B AVOSVINOXÆNNFAQWhere will the event take place?Where can I get my locker?I lost my ticketWhat time does the event start and end?What is the mininum age?When will the doors close?Where is the entrance?Where can I park my car?Is there food available?Do you have merch for sale?Where are the house rules?